Update Friday, March 13th at 2:30pm

A message from Bishop LeVoir can be found here regarding Mass obligation and COVID-19. 

Masses in our Area Faith Community will continue as scheduled, including Confirmation Mass this Sunday at 10am. 

Message From Fr. Denny

Please read the whole letter (link given above) from Bishop John LeVoir about his dispensing people in our diocese from the obligation to participate in Sunday Mass for the weekends of March 14/15; 21/22; and 28/29

Points for our parishes (St. Peter and St. Paul):
1. If you decide not to go to Mass, take time to listen to or watch Mass on TV or radio, OR pray the rosary OR make a spiritual Communion OR pray the liturgy of the hours OR Eucharistic adoration OR other devotions.
2. No shaking of hands – in greeting at the beginning of Mass.
3. No shaking of hands for the sign of peace.
4. No holding hands while praying the Lord’s Prayer.
5. No shaking hands with Father after Mass, just a verbal greeting.
6. Only the priest will receive from the chalice. Everyone else will receive only the host.
7. Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion will wash their hands before distributing Communion.
8. If anyone is in a high risk category due to current illness, age, or suffering from a chronic health condition or compromised immune system, they are asked to remain home.
9. If you have traveled to a high risk country or on a cruise you are also excused.
10. The regular Mass and confession schedule will be maintained.
11. Eucharistic adoration will continue as scheduled.
12. Stations of the Cross will continue as scheduled.
13. Please pray for those suffering from COVID 19, those providing medical care, our government leaders, and those with compromised health.
14. More information will be sent as needed.
Fr. Denny Labat